Event Logo Image

·         Presenting Sponsor ($15,000)

o   12 VIP “Reserved Seating” tickets

o   Company name/logo TOP BILLING on all event marketing (flyers, digital marketing, social media, etc.)

o   Company name featured on La Grange Theatre marquee during Comedy for Cancer event

o   Mention in any pre-and-post event press releases

o   Company mention in all pre-event media coverage

o   Company name/logo featured on front of program book

o   Company logo placement on H Foundation Comedy for Cancer page on website

o   Inclusion in CLTV TV segment filming with in-person event interview

o   Potential for 30 second commercial inclusion for CLTV TV segment

o   Social marketing targeted to your business service areas

o   Hyperlocal marketing with business logo inclusion

o   Inclusion in post event VIP viewing party with speaking opportunity

o   Opportunity to provide branded item for Comedy for Cancer guests

o   Opportunity for a representative to speak at Comedy for Cancer


·         Spotlight Sponsor ($10,000)

o   10 VIP “Reserved Seating” tickets

o   Company name/logo get SECOND BILLING on all promotional materials

o   Mentions on social media within business target market

o   Mention in press releases

o   Company logo placement on H Foundation Comedy for Cancer page on website

o   Inclusion in CLTV TV segment filming with mention of business involvement

o   Potential for 30 second commercial inclusion for CLTV TV segment

o   Inclusion in post event VIP viewing party

o   Thank you mention during program remarks


·         Headliner Sponsor ($5,000)

o   8 VIP “Reserved Seating” tickets

o   Company name/logo featured in program book

o   Company name/logo mentions on social media

o   Inclusion in CLTV TV segment filming with mention of business involvement

o   Potential for 30 second commercial inclusion for CLTV TV segment

o   Thank you mention during event program


·         Featured Sponsor ($2,500)

o   6 VIP “Reserved Seating” tickets

o   Company name featured in program book

o   Company name/logo mention on social media

o   Inclusion in CLTV TV segment filming with mention of business involvement

o   Thank you mention during program remarks


·         Supporting Sponsor ($1,000)

o   4 VIP “Reserved Seating” tickets

o   Company name featured in program book

o   Company name/logo mention on social media

o   Thank you mention during program remarks


·         Opener Sponsor ($500)

o   2 VIP “Reserved Seating” tickets

o   Company name included in program book

o   Company name mention on social media

o   Thank you mention during program remarks


·         Production Sponsor ($250)

o   Company name included in program book

o   Company name mention on social media

o   Thank you mention during program remarks



The H Foundation is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization with identification number 36-4461974